Sika® ViscoCrete®-5069 Ease

New high range superplasticizer technology for precast concrete that imparts advanced rheological properties delivering a significant decrease in the viscosity of concretes and extended rheology maintenance

Sika Viscocrete-5069 Ease is a superplasticizer, high range water reducer. Sika Viscocrete-5069 Ease is designed to impart exceptional rheological properties to fresh concrete. It improves considerably the placing and finishing of concrete and enhances the ease of concrete pumping for all construction activities. With its good retention properties and high early strength development makes it suitable for use in precast application.

Sika Viscocrete-5069 Ease delivers many advantages in the fresh concrete and hardened concrete. At fresh state, optimizing the rheology: Decrease in the viscosity of concretes at constant W/C. Improvement of the implementation of concretes • Improved pumping (lower pressure and longer distance) • Better response to vibration • Greater Ease of Pumping • Superior finishing, floating and smoothing operations • Excellent flexibility, mobility and flow of self-compacting concrete. Reduction possible to the W/C ratio without affecting the viscosity of concretes. • New windows for technical and economic optimization of concrete mix designs (addition and types of binder, choice of aggregates) • High early strength and resistance to segregation • Workability retention up to 90 minutes • Good compatibility with all types of cement and mineral additions. In the cured state, improvement of sustainability
  • Excellent early and late compressive strength
  • Improvement of quality of surface finishes
  • As part of a reduction of W/C
    • Increased mechanical resistances
    • Decreased porosity and permeability
    • Decreased shrinkage and cracking
  • Enhanced durability