Sika® ViscoCrete® ACE 8360
High-range Superplasticizer for precast manufacturing.
Sika Viscocrete ACE 8360 is an innovative polycarboxylate ether (PCE) based superplasticizer /high range water reducing admixture ideally suited for the precast industry. Due to a specifically tailored formulation, this admixture shows excellent dispersion of cement at low water to binder ratio. As a result, Sika Viscocrete ACE 8360 provides exceptional high early strength development.
Sika Viscocrete ACE 8360 offers the following benefits for the precast concrete industry:
- High impermeability and strength
- Improved and excellent durability
- Very high workability
- No segregation even at high workability
- Excellent concrete quality
- Produce rheoplastic and self compacting concrete at low w/c ratio
- Optimize curing cycle by shortening curing time or decreasing curing temperature
- Eliminate or reduce heat curing
- Eliminate or reduce energy required for placing, consolidation and heat curing
- Increased productivity
- Improved surface appearance
- Produce durable precast concrete elements
- Increased use of supplementary cementitious materials such as fly ash.
- As compared to the traditional superplasticizers, improve engineering properties such as early and ultimate compressive and flexural strengths.