Sika® ViscoCrete®-819 Extra

High Performance Superplasticizer

Sika® ViscoCrete®-819 Extra is a third generation superplasticizer for concrete and mortar. It meets the requirements for high range water reducing superplasticizer according to ASTM C494. 

Sika® ViscoCrete®-819 Extra as a powerful superplasti- 
cizer acts through several different mechanisms in- 
cluding surface adsorption and sterical effects separat- 
ing the binder particles. The following advantageous 
properties are achieved: 
▪ Pronounced increase in the early strength develop- 
ment, resulting in very economic stripping times for 
precast and in situ concrete 
▪ Extremely powerful water reduction, resulting in 
high density, high strength and reduced permeability 
for water etc. 
▪ Superior plasticising effect, resulting in improved 
flowability, placing and compacting behaviour. 
▪ Reduced energy costs for steam cured precast ele- 
▪ Especially suitable for the production of Self Com- 
pacting Concrete (SCC) Improved shrinkage and 
creep behaviour 
▪ Reduced closure times for repairs to roads and run- 
▪ Does not contain chlorides or any other ingredients 
which promote the corrosion of steel. It is therefore 
suitable for use in reinforced and prestressed con- 
crete structures.