Financial stability and long-term profitability ensure that Sika remains a reliable and value-adding partner for all its stakeholders now and in the future. Economic performance is an important factor to maintain global technology leadership by facilitating continual investment in R&D, as well as the ability to stay close to customers and serve all markets. Economic strength allows Sika to distribute value to various stakeholders. It is also critical for developing high-performing products, developing its workforce, providing long-term shareholder returns, and being a good corporate citizen that gives back to the community.​

Direct Economic Value Generated and Distributed

Team Work

Sika creates sustainable value for its customers, the supply chain, and many other stakeholders. The company generates substantial value for governments (through taxes), employees (through compensation and benefits), shareholders (through dividends), suppliers and service providers (through raw material and service prices), and society (through taxes and local community projects). Part of the value generated is retained in the company for developing new technologies, acquisitions, capital investments, and to remain independent from capital market fluctuation.  ​